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What are the different types of window screens for a house?

Automated solar shades

Home decor is not limited to painting walls with different colours or hanging art; it has come a long way. People who are dead serious about home decor go above and beyond to find the answer to “What are the different types of window screens for a house” this query. Blinds and window screens have become the most important part of home decoration.

Rather than doing window treatments, people now go with automatic window blinds and screen UV protection. But when buying window screens, most people need more knowledge.

Here in this blog, we will discuss the different types of window screens for houses.

Common Types of Window Screens Available

When it comes to finding the right window screens, plenty of choices are available in the market. Due to this, people find it overwhelming to select one window sun screen that goes with their house decor.

Below we are going to list out different types of window screens.

1. Aluminium Window Screen

2. Solar Window Screens

3. Stainless Steel Window Screens

4. Specialty Window Screens

Types That Are Most Preferred At Households

Now we have mentioned the different types of window sun screens for houses but the window screen that are widely popular are listed below:

1. Automatic Window screens – In this age when one can do things from doing some taps, why would people want to miss out on automatic window blinds? The flexibility that comes with these blinds is unmatchable.

You can operate your shades even when you are miles away. That’s the reason automatic window blinds and screens have become the first choice of homeowners who go with aesthetics and technology.

As the name suggests these kinds of blinds are operated with batteries or electricity. The mechanism is designed in a way to completely or partially open or close the shade when given a command.

One doesn’t have to do any stuff manually. Plus, these types of automatic window blinds can easily integrate with home automation. These types of blinds are further classified into various types which we are mentioning below:

Roller shades – Roller shades have gained popularity because of their versatility. These automatic window blinds have complete control over light making them the perfect choice for home offices, living rooms, etc.

Wood Blinds – Another automatic blind in our list is wood blinds that are perfect for intimate settings such as the bedroom. These blinds provide both privacy and light control.(these are called shutters)

Solar shades – Automatic solar shades are the best option for houses where the temperature is too hot. This type of window screen for a house absorbs excessive heat and minimises the cost of air conditioning.

Cellular Shades – If you are part of the woke generation then cellular shades are an option for you. These automatic shades are environmentally friendly.

Above provide shade and cut glare but not heat .

2. Fibreglass Window Screens
–  Another window screen on our list is a fibreglass screen, another popular and cheaper option for households. It will keep the unwanted obstruction at bay and resist damage like degradation, dent and decay. (they are not necessary cheap and the fibreglass is the fabric)

The thing which makes this window screen different from others is its flexibility. Instead of tearing apart when pushed against, this window sunscreen stretches.

Most fibreglass window screens have a protective coating that helps filter sunlight. Furthermore, the reason for its being a popular choice in households is that the material doesn’t easily rust, corrode or stain.

When it comes to sizing and styling, this window screen for a house doesn’t disappoint you in any way.

Tips to Select The Right Window Screens For A House

Now, after knowing the different types of window screens comes the part of choosing the right ones that fit your home’s aesthetic. Here are some tips to help you pick.

  • Measurement is a very important part when it comes to choosing window screens. However, many professionals who customise the screen frames send the professional to take measurements. But you should also be aware of it; this will help you understand what material will go best with your screens, as it will also have thickness.
  • Select the right mesh that is durable and withstand your home and neighbour conditions.
  • Lastly, it is best to use that provider to screen UV protection and keep insects outside.

Get Window Screens For Your House Now!

That’s all! Here we discussed the different types of window screens for a house. Selecting the screen can be daunting, but if you have priorities straight in your mind, you will buy the right screen in no time. So what are you waiting for? Give your home the decor it is looking for. Check out window screens now!

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